About Us

At Fairings-etc (formerly Cranford Aviation Supply), I'm deeply rooted in a love for the skies. I'm a private pilot currently working towards an instrument rating, with my feet firmly planted in the clouds every time I fly my beloved Van's RV9A. My passion extends beyond just flying - I find immense joy in restoring aircraft back to their prime, ready to take on the skies again, like the RV9A.

My journey in aviation has led me to help others reach their own goals in this vast, awe-inspiring field. Whether you're a fellow pilot, an aircraft builder, or an aviation enthusiast, I want to guide you through the captivating realm of experimental aviation, sharing the knowledge and insights I've gathered along the way.

With a strong commitment to keeping general aviation alive and thriving, I'm dedicated to offering you top-quality experimental aircraft parts at fair prices. From safety harnesses/seat belts and cutting-edge lighting options, every product is carefully chosen to optimize your aircraft's performance and safety.

With Fairings-Etc., we're not just selling parts – we're sharing a passion, promoting a dream, and most importantly, building a community of aviation enthusiasts. Welcome aboard!